
Historical Costuming edit

Lose yourself in historical fashion

Historical costuming

Being able to reach into the past and experience elements of a simpler time through costuming

Thank you for considering me as your dress maker. This process can seem overwhelming but let me assure you that we will get through this...and even have some fun along the way. I have been making historical costumes for over 10 years. Learning history through fashion can broaden your understanding of everyday l

  • $300 nonrefundable retainer is due at time of appointment scheduling.

  • 1/2 payment of remaining total is due at first meeting. This payment is nonrefundable. payment must be paid in order to continue design services. 

  • It is very important to have a budget in mind. This will be our guide in fabric and design selection. Coming up with a budget before meeting one is one of the best things you can do to make this process easier. If you need help with this or have questions, I will put a sample budget in the link below:

Meeting 2:

  • If you chose to buy your hoop from me, I will have it ready for you at this fitting. If you did not buy your hoop from me, please bring it with you.  It would also be best to have your bra and shoes with you as well.

  • During this fitting, you will get a general idea of what your dress will look like. This is considered the bare bones fitting. I will fine tune the dress to you during this fitting. 

  • 1/3 nonrefundable payment is due at this time.

  • Please remember that this dress is custom fitted to you. IF you wish to have the ability to let it out, please let me know.

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Meeting 3:

  • You made it!

  • This is your final dress fitting! You will be able to take your dress home with you today, along with your undergarments if you chose to have them made by me.

  • I will give you a care instruction card with any special instructions.

  • Final payment is due at this time. Dress will not be released without payment and sign off.

  • I can also help you with navigating in the dress.

*Any additional meeting requests will be an additional fee.

I hope this gives you some insight into the dress process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me between 8 am-7 pm by phone or at any time by email.